What is aeroponics?
Aeroponics is a method of growing plants without soil. Instead, roots are suspended in the air and irrigated with a nutrient-dense mist.
This differs from hydroponics, where plant roots are submerged in a solution of water and nutrients.
In aeroponics, the roots have greater access to oxygen, which results in healthier plants, significantly faster crop growth rates and increased yields.
Aeroponics at scale
Aeroponic farming commonly uses nozzles to create mist. However nutrients clog nozzles, so technical complexities and maintenance issues have prevented typical aeroponic systems achieving hectare scale.
At LettUs Grow, we use ultrasonic aeroponics. Ultrasonic technology is used to create high-frequency sound waves that shake water, until it disperses into lots of tiny droplets, like a mist. This removes the need for nozzles and unlocks hectare scale aeroponics.
Plants love aeroponics. Here’s why you will too:
• Higher growth rates equal a quicker turnover of your product.
• Greater control of nutrient application enables you to consistently tune crop quality.
• As mist is applied only to the root zone, the growing medium remains dry, so there is less chance of losing profit to pests or disease.
• Reliable, year-round harvests mean you can have consistent sales projections and estimates.
Up to 95%
less water than
outdoor farming
No pesticides
or harmful
Fewer food
miles and reduced
carbon footprint
No fertiliser
runoff into
Getting to the roots of aeroponics
LettUs Grow are constantly conducting world leading research in the field of aeroponics and indoor farming.
If you want to collaborate on a research project in horticulture, technology or controlled environment agriculture, then get in touch below.
The science behind aeroponics
Cloth based solutions are not offered for sale in the USA.