The lifeblood of LettUs Grow

In order for a company to prosper, it must have a vision or mission, a reason for existing. At LettUs Grow the mission is to reduce the waste and carbon footprint of fresh produce by enabling anyone to grow near the point of consumption. This is the beating heart of the company. But the mission cannot survive on its own, just as the heart cannot function solely within the body. In order for it to function, it requires assistance. 

Enter operations…

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Three PhDs open in collaboration with LettUs Grow

Aeroponics has the potential to change the way we grow, distribute and eat food, and could be a key component in the fight against climate change; but from an academic standpoint, very little is known about it. There are currently three PhDs open, in collaboration with LettUs Grow, which aim to fill this knowledge gap. 

Now is a great time to get in on the ground floor lay the foundational research which will help this environmentally friendly industry to grow.

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