Aeroponic Rolling Benches™ showcased at Stockbridge Technology Centre

Since the summer of 2022, LettUs Grow have been working with technology partners Crop Health & Protection Ltd. (CHAP) and Stockbridge Technology Centre to trial our newest innovation, Aeroponic Rolling Benches. Aeroponic Rolling Benches combine LettUs Grow’s ultrasonic aeroponic irrigation with the practicality of rolling bench systems, allowing large-scale greenhouse growers and vertical farmers to optimise their crop production and operate aeroponics on a hectare scale.

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Long-read: The water in your “food miles” may be more important than their carbon emissions

Thinking about “food miles” doesn’t normally make us think of water. But the movement of water within our food system is a problem both environmentally and socially. In this long-form blog we’re going to explore how water travels within our food & why we need to take this a lot more seriously.

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